It seems like it was just yesterday when our sweet little Andrew was born.....then today he had to grow up and go to school! Initially he was very excited about starting preschool but then we got there and he said...."mommy how bout you stay in the parking lot in the car". It broke my heart. But then he saw Mrs Wolf and all the kids that are in his class and he walked down the hall away from me and didn't look back. That shattered my heart. My baby boy all grown up. I maintained and I didn't cry. I had to choke it back but I was able to keep it in. Maybe I will be better at this next year when Mo starts...probably not, but I'll try.....
Noodle is growing fast...she is such a momma's girl. She is not a big fan of the bottle and while I am at work she only eats enough so she isn't painfully starving. When I get home she eats and eats and has been a rough adjustment but one we both need. She is a perfect angel when she is with me but when I am gone she makes it clear to whomever she is with that she is not happy that her mom is not at her beck and call. Kind of makes me feel good but sucks at the same time. We definitely have a different kind of bond than I have with the boys. Who knew it would be like this!
Mo is kind of caught in the middle right now and is struggling a bit. His temper has become quite a lot to handle lately. He is madly in love with Noodle, and she is with him. The minute she sees him she smiles. He sits with me and sings to her while she is rocking to cute. But....he has become very clingy. He wants what he wants when he wants it and does not hesitate to make it clear to everyone within the general vicinity. Today he was so upset b/c he couldn't go to school with Andrew. It was very cute, but nothing that couldn't be fixed with a new train. I know bribery isn't great, but sometimes it is just what the doctor ordered.
Scott has been busy at his new job. Very challenging and it keeps him busy. It has helped a lot that he can work from home two days a week and is only commuting to Cincinnati three days a week. He will have to start doing some traveling in the near future and we're going to have to figure out how that is going to work.
I am sooo glad to be back to work! I feel guilty because I want to go and not be at home with my kids. So torn... I am miserable at home every day. I love what I do and it is very fulfilling, but I worry b/c much of society says what my children need is for me to be at home with them. I think we really have the best of both worlds, I am gone 3 days a week, enough time for me to get away and them and interact with adults, basically maintain my sanity. And it gives them different perspectives to spend time with someone else, and nobody can ever say my kids aren't social. I think the time away from me has helped that. Still I twenty years they will let me know if I screwed up or not.....
Hope everyone is doing well! We're thinking of you all!
Hope everyone is doing well! We're thinking of you all!
The Mom